X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy is rarely encountered in the operating room. The clinical presentation is highly variable and creates unique challenges for the anesthesiologist. Case:  We hereby present a successful anesthetic management of patient with X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy and related Addison’s disease and Brugada syndrome for an orthopedic surgery and review the available literature about the topic. Continue reading
Depth of anesthesia is a dynamic balance between effect-site concentration of hypnotic and analgesic drugs, and intensity of surgical stimulation. The bispectral monitor is the best described monitor of the depth of hypnosis component of anesthesia. Continue reading
Aortic aneurysms occur mainly due to atherosclerotic disease, and their conventional surgical repair is reserved for patients with anatomy unfavorable to endovascular repair. In this context, one of the challenges for the anesthesiologist is perioperative anesthetic-analgesic control. Continue reading
Despite the vast progress in contemporary medicine, the burden of spinal cord injury has increased over the last decades. Thus, more and more often patients with paraplegia appear for an emergency or elective surgery below the level of the injury. Anesthetic management of those patients can be turn out to be a challenge. Continue reading
Choice of peritoneal dialysis over other renal replacement therapy modalities for adult critically ill patients is still limited; despite the data against it. The present article presents a case of peritoneal dialysis in a patient with intracerebral hemmorhage and reviews the relevant literature. Continue reading
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an umbrella term that defines a group of inherited diseases (in-cluding sickle cell anaemia (SCA), HbSC and HbSβ-thalassaemia) characterized by mutations in the gene encoding the haemoglobin subunit β1. One of the most frequent and debilitant complications of the disease is the vaso-occlusive crisis (VOC), which is mediated by multicell adhesion between red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells, platelets, and endo-thelial cells and causes intense pain in conse-quence of impaired oxygen supply, but also in-farction-reperfusion injury2,3. Continue reading
Death is the reason for the existence of resuscitation. The Western definition of death has evolved continuously over the last three centuries. Today, the world recognizes two types of biological death: cardiac or “real” death (I,e. definitive cease of cardiac , respiratory and cerebral function) and encephalic death. The latter (brain death) has been accepted worldwide medically and legally as the biological state of death of the organism. Continue reading
Raoultella planticola is a Gram-negative, oxidase-negative, aerobic that belongs to Enterobacteriaceae family and has a lot of similarities with Klebsiella spp. Though initially rare mentioned as an opportunistic infection, more and more reports are published. In the present article we present a case of an R. planticolla upper respiratory infection and we review the relevant literature. Continue reading
Subcutaneous emphysema (SE) refers to air in the subcutaneous tissues. Clinical manifestation is generally benign, yet in several cases it can provoke serious complications such as airway compromise, respiratory failure, pacemaker malfunction and tension phenomena. Treatment is usually aiming at the underlined cause, while the air is gradually absorbed from interstitial tissues. However, in extensive cases, surgical intervention may also needed1. In the present article we present a case report of subcutaneous emphysema in patient with COVID-19 with presence of ginko leaf sign. Continue reading
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