The work of breathing (WOB) is the amount of energy, which is consumed by the respiratory muscles, in order to perform one complete respiratory cycle. In several medical conditions, WOB might rise to a critical level which could necessitate initiation of mechanical ventilation (MV) or complicate weaning of the patient from MV. Continue reading
Four patients (♂/♀: 1/3), aged 51, 52, 50 and 58 years old, who underwent general surgery procedures, suffered acute major blood loss intraoperatively. For the management of acute hemorrhage, 4ml/kg NaCl 7.5% were administered in each patient at the fastest possible rate through the existing intravenous line. Both standard monitoring and Oesophageal Doppler Monitoring (ODM) were applied and heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (BPmean), stroke volume (SV), peak velocity (PV), mean acceleration (MA) and corrected flow time (FTc) were recorded at six different phases, before blood loss (Phase 1), before and after completion of NaCl 7.5% administration (Phases 2 & 3), 10min and 20min after NaCl 7.5% administration (Phases 4 and 5) and at the end of the surgical procedure (Phase 6). Continue reading
Anesthesia for thoracic surgery presents specific challenges since anesthesiologists have to manage patients with several comorbidities, apply One Lung Ventilation (OLV) to facilitate surgery and at the same time they should try to maintain adequate safe oxygen levels. Hypoxemia is a common consequence of OLV. The aim of the present retrospective study was to investigate the impact of intraoperative hypoxia on the early outcome of patients. Continue reading
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