Inhalational anaesthesia induction technique goes back to 1846, when the first public administration of inhaled ether was demonstrated in the Ether Dome of Massachusetts General Hospital. Ever since, there has been a dizzying evolution in anaesthetic practice, but the main objectives of anaesthesia have remained unnegotiable. Inhalational sevoflurane induction is still applied in paediatric cases, non-compliant adult patients and in cases of difficult airway1. Continue reading

Despite stable background pain, most cancer patients suffer 3-4 episodes of breakthrough pain daily. Aim of the present study was the evaluation of potential correlation between effective doses of sublingual fentanyl citrate, administered for controlling breakthrough pain, with transdermal fentanyl used for background pain. Fifty-six cancer patients were prospectivelly recruited. All patients were suffering episodes of breakthrough pain and managed with transdermal fentanyl 25-300μg/h for their background pain.

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Apneic oxygenation is an adjunct „ventilation‟ technique that involves insufflation of oxygen at varying flows through a catheter that is inserted through the endotra-cheal tube and is positioned above the carina. Apneic oxygenation improves gas exchange efficiency and preserves the arterial oxygenation at an acceptable level.

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