A new coronavirus (covid 19–coronavirus disease 2019), similar to Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), emerged in late December 2019 from Wuhan, China causing respiratory disease. An outbreak of COVID-19 has spread throughout China and worldwide. Up until today (7/4/2020) 1.349.956 confirmed cases and 74.822 deaths were recorded. As of April 7, 2020, 81.740 patients in China had tested positive for COVID-19 and 3.331 deaths had occurred. World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020 declared COVID-19 a pandemic, pointing the sustained risk of further global spread.The European countries most affected are Spain - 136.675 confirmed cases and 13.341 deaths - and Italy - first European country affected with 132.547 confirmed cases and 16.523 deaths -up until today (7/4/2020). U.S.A today leads the world in confirmed, reported coronavirus cases, surpassing China with 367.650 confirmed cases and 10.943 deaths. Continue reading

Patients discharging the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) still need a high level of care because of the severity of their disease. In fact, they have an increased risk for readmission to the ICU. Moreover, urgent readmissions to the ICU are a widely used tool to assessment the quality of Health Care services. Although a lot of efforts are being made to reduce them, these adverse events still exist. It is noted that readmitted patients to the ICU have a much poorer prognosis, as its mortality rates are six times higher, and also have eleven times higher probability to die in hospital compared with other hospitalized patients.

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Dear colleagues,

In this first issue of the Greek e-journal of Perioperative Medicine for 2018 we are very honored to present -throughout our Editorial- an invitation from the organizing and scientific committee of the ANAESTHESIA 2018 for ANAESTHESIA 201815th Congress of Anesthesiology and Ιntensive Medicine which is to be held in Thessaloniki, on the 20th to the 23rd of September, 2018.

The present issue, also, covers a wide area of interests. The review article of Schizodimos et al summarizes the classification, epidemiology and management of Bloodstream infections (BSIs). They refer to the therapeutic strategy of Bloodstream infections that should be based on international guidelines in combination with local microbiology and local antibiotic resistance data.

Next, Grosomanidis V et al present an experimental study in order to record the effect of increased intra-abdominal pressure on the cardiovascular system of pigs, with or without additional sepsis. Their results showed that the increase in intra-abdominal pressure was well tolerated by the laboratory animals without septic condition, while in septic animals the increase in intra-abdominal pressure had an unfavorable effect on the cardiovascular system.

The following study of Mouloudi E et al. presents data that showed that relative eosinophilia may be… Continue reading

Adequate adrenocortical function is essential to survive critical illness. The goal of this study was to determine whether eosinophilia could serve as a useful and early marker of adrenal insufficiency in critically ill patients with severe septic shock. During a 1-year period, we prospectively studied 294 ICU patients.16 patients (5.4% of ICU admissions) with eosinophilia more than 3% of the white blood cell count and septic shock unresponsive to adequate fluid and vasopressor therapy, were included. A high dose (250 mcg i.v) corticotropin stimulation test was performed. Eosinophilia (>3%) was diagnosed in 16 patients with vasopressor-unresponsive septic shock. Eosinophilia was present 1.9±0.9d (range 8-96h) before the onset of septic shock. 11/16 patients failed to respond to corticotropin stimulation test above the critical level of 9 mcg/dL rise and 2/16 had baseline cortisol concentration <10 mcg/dL. Baseline cortisol level, maximal cortisol increase post-corticotropin administration and Eosinophils count (%) were higher in survivors (p≤0.05). A hydrocortisone infusion (300mg/d) treatment resulted in haemodynamic improvement in 12 of 16 patients (75%). The 28-day mortality (following the onset of septic shock) was 43.7%. Relative eosinophilia may be considered as a useful and early bioassay for adrenocortical function assessment in critically ill patients with septic shock and assumed adrenocortical depression.

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The vast advance in medical knowledge forces us to super specializations. Yet, as we get to know better the tree, we might lose the perspective of the forest. Team work and more specifically, diversity teams, keep us in touch with the different aspects of knowledge. And although diversity has potential to disrupt group functioning, in reality, in both in behavioral and psychological science and in business arena, diverse teams are proven smarter1-2.

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Dear colleagues,

From 2004, the presence of the Greek e-Journal of Perioperative Medicine among the National Scientific Journals has been gradually increased. On behalf of the editorial board of the Greek e-journal of the Perioperative Medicine, we would like to thank you for your support in order to reform and modernize our journal.

We would like to inform you that the Greek e-journal of the Perioperative Medicine is accepted in several indexing databases like DRJI – Directory of Research Journal  Indexing, Research Bible, GIF.org, Journal Index.net, INNOSPACE, Unifactor.org, MJL-Medical journals Links, ICMJE- International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, CiteFactor.org, ISI-International Scientific Indexing, EZB – Universitätbibliothek Regensburg, OAJI – Open Access Journal Indexing, PBN-Polska Bibliografia Naukowa, ESJI- Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, ISRUS (EyeSource) – International society of Universal Research in Sciences, JIF – Global Society for Scientific Research and DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals.

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We report a rare case of a young woman with anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate receptor (NMDAR) encephalitis, who developed psychiatric symptoms, dyskinesias, hypoventilation, hypersalivation and seizures. Serial analysis of antibodies to NR1/NR2B heteromers of the NMDAR was positive on the patient's serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Removal of an ovarian teratoma after intravenous immunoglobulin and corticosteroid therapy resulted in a prompt neurological response.

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Dear colleagues,

Traditional publishing is an ex cathedra affair, top down, hierarchical. Electronic publishing is essentially egalitarian1. That’s why the present journal had never adopted printed form.

Here, we would like to underline some of the changes that occurred in the journal. These changes were designed to maintain excellence while improving the efficiency of the review process and taking advantage of new technology. Thus, new features have been added in the article section and feedback surveys are planned to be performed in regular basis. New sections for bibliographic information and editorial board / reviewers’ panel have been added. Organizational changes for a better workflow are also en route. The journal is already accepted in several electronic databases (see “indexing” section), while application for inclusion in several others is also under way. For all the changes, every website visitor is invited to explore these new features.

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