Ethical issues in animal research

Neuroendocrine alterations and new therapeutic approaches in critically ill Patients

Η έννοια του εγκεφαλικού θανάτου

Local and systemic injury due to ischemia-reperfusion

Anesthetic considerations for surgery involving clamping of superior vena cava

Perioperative effect of general and combined (general plus epidural) anesthesia on coagulation parameters of surgical cancer patients

Separation from cardiopulmonary bypass in a nitric oxide non-responder using inhaled nitroglycerin

Accidental tracheal tube cuff puncture during attempted internal jugular vein cannulation. Concerns and recommendations

Intraoperative Transesophageal Echocardiography in High Risk Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery: A Brief Overview and A Case Presentation

Mimicry of narrow-complex VT during arthroscopy

Acute and prolonged illness seems to result in a variety of different neuroendocrine alterations. During the acute phase of critical illness there is an actively secreting anterior pituitary gland and a peripheral resistance to anabolic hormones. In the chronic phase of critical illness there is a uniformly reduced secretion of anterior pituitary hormones, with the notable exception of cortisol.

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Acute inflammatory response is the body’s direct response to noxious stimuli or to tissue necrosis. Ischemia-reperfusion lesion is a clinical state of acute inflammation with leucocyte-induced tissue damage. Ischemia promotes an inflammatory response which sensitizes tissues to further damage during reperfusion. Reperfusion activates inflammatory mediators from remote vascular or tissue sites or from the local vascular bed. Reperfusion remains the cornerstone for the repair of ischemic areas.

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Superior vena cava (SVC) lies in the upper mediastinum, laterally to the right in the great vessel area. It serves the venous drainage of the upper part of the body, including the brain, directing the flow to the right atrium. Lung cancer, mediastinal malignancies, benign conditions and a variety of other diseases and clinical conditions in the adult population may lead to surgery involving this large vein.

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Perioperative hypercoagulation in cancer patients is frequently a concern for the anesthesiologist. Ιt is not clarified yet whether the choice of anesthetic technique offers significant advantages for the prevention of postoperative complications. For this purpose, a prospective, randomized clinical trial was conducted. Forty-two female patients with ovarian cancer, undergoing abdominal hysterectomy, were randomized in three groups.

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Several techniques have been described for percutaneous internal jugular vein catheterization. Some of them are associated with complications, such as tracheal tube cuff puncture. We describe two cases of this rare but potential devastating complication, after which our patients recovered uneventfully

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The value of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in cardiac surgery is well proven[1]. TEE is evolving as a perioperative monitoring and diagnostic tool in noncardiac surgery as well, especially for the treatment of high-risk cardio-vascular patients. Its significance lies in that it is the only direct method for imaging and eva-luating heart function.

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