Atropine has been used in the past as a premedication drug to decrease the sialorrhea of the second stage of anaesthesia and prevent bradycardia caused by the administration of succinylcholine, opiods or volatile anaesthetics. The purpose of this study is the investigation of the haemodynamic fluctuations during induction of anaesthesia and intubation of the trachea, in children and adults either premedicated or not with atropine. After institutional approval 105 adults and 52 children ASA I-II were assigned in two groups (with or without atropine). Systolic Arterial Pressure (SAP) and Heart Rate (HR) were recorded in four phases: prior to induction before atropine administration, after the induction of anaesthesia, after the intubation of the trachea and five minutes later. Statistical difference in SAP fluctuatuion as well as in HR was found between groups (premedicated with atropine or not) in children. In adults no difference between groups was found. Conclusively, the administration of atropine does not influence the SAP and HR fluctuation in adult population during induction of anaesthesia and intubation of the trachea, but it seems to prevent or to moderate it in children.