Placenta percreta is a rare complication of pregnancy with pathologic invasion of the full thickness of the uterine wall, causing life-threatening haemorrhage.
We present two cases of pregnant women with placenta percreta invading the bladder, along with a short review of the literature. The two women sustained early and late major haemorrhagic complications requiring massive transfusion (up to 142 PRBC and 353 blood product units) and urgent reoperation. They were both treated in the ICU and discharged in good state.
Massive haemorrhage due to Placenta percreta may be a fatal complication especially when the placenta invades the bladder. The anaesthetist and the intensivist may be challenged by the severity and extend of perioperative complications demanding rapid decision-making. A multidisciplinary approach for perioperative surgical and anaesthetic management is necessary for maternal outcome optimization. Post-operative care in the ICU is a prerequisite with high index of suspicion to follow transfusion requirements.