
Ελληνική Αναισθησιολογική Εταιρεία


Εταιρεία Αναισθησιολογίας και Εντατικής Ιατρικής Βορείου Ελλάδος


Aims and Scope:

The journal is an electronic version of the official publication of “The Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Medicine of Northern Greece” (ISSN 1109 – 6888). It has recognized by the Ministry of Health among the National Scientific Journals (FEK 964/20-7-2006). Publications in the journal are copyrighted by 4.0 CC-BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution License Policy.

It publishes articles related to the fields of perioperative medicine, intensive care, pain management, emergency medicine (both hospital and prehospital).


Type of articles:

Submitted manuscripts for publication include:

  • Editorials (invited),
  • Reviews (both narrative and systematic),
  • Research studies (the journal welcomes both original and replication studies),
  • Case reports,
  • Correspondence/ letters to the editors.

However, after communication with the Editors, others form of material* (interesting clinical images, medical communication, abstracts in scientific meetings, CME, etc, see publication policy) could also be regarded for publication.


Publication policy

Any manuscript submitted to a Gr e j Periop Med journal must be original and the manuscript, must not be under consideration by any other journal. In case of potential duplication, it is authors’ responsibility to declare any potentially overlapping publications on submission. Where possible, uploading these as additional files with the manuscript, and citation of any overlapping or ‘in press’ or unpublished manuscript cited publications will be requested. In such condition the journal reserves the right to judge on a case-by-case basis.

In general, the manuscript should not already have been formally published in any journal or in any other citable form. If justified and made clear upon submission, there are exceptions to this rule:

  1. Co-publication in multiple journals. With prior agreement of the relevant journals, co-publication in multiple journals will be considered at the Editor’s discretion.
  2. Pre-print servers and author/institutional repositories. Posting a manuscript on a pre-print server such as ArXiv, BioRxiv, Peer J PrePrints, or similar platforms (both commercial and non-commercial) is not considered to be duplicate publication. The same is valid also for manuscripts that have been posted on an author’s personal or institutional website and material that has formed part of an academic thesis and been placed in the public domain.
  3. Translations. Authors should seek approval from the original publisher to check that they do not violate the copyright terms of the original publication and that the original publisher gives permission for publication of the translation under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.

*The journal also welcomes  incomplete manuscript forms like abridged articles, abstracts/posters of scientific meeting, data sets, study protocols, summary of clinical trials results in public registries or scientific information published in wikis, blogs, social networking websites, or online electronic lab notebooks, yet communication with the Editors is required.


Peer review

Currently, the journal follows double blind close type review (both internal and external). The minimum procedure followed is that all submitted manuscripts would be judged from, at least, two members from the editorial board (internal review). Those members plus the editor will decide for the acceptance for publication (with or without recommended changes) or the rejection of the submitted article.

Authors may suggest potential peer reviewers by providing institutional email addresses where possible, or information which will help the Editor to verify the identity of the reviewer (for example an ORCID or Scopus ID). Intentionally falsifying information, for example, suggesting reviewers with a false name or email address, will result in rejection of the manuscript and may lead to further investigation in line with our misconduct policy. Authors may also enter details of anyone who they would prefer not to review their manuscript.


Cover letter

It is strongly suggested that a cover letter (see downloads) will be also submitted.


Key point- instructions for main text:

Manuscripts can be submitted in Greek or in English language. When in Greek , summary in both languages is required.

  • File formats: MS Word (doc, docx) or open access alternative (e.g. Libre Office). Not – editable files (e.g. pdf) will be resubmitted.
  • Main text Time New Romans font, 12pt
  • Single column, single spacing
  • Include page number
  • Left and right margins should be 2 cm, top and bottom margins 2.5 cm
  • Paragraphs are without left recess and they should be separated from the next paragraph with 6pt.
  • The title page should include:

Type of the manuscript (case report, etc).
The title of the study (Bold,12pts).
Authors: The full names of the authors (Surname, Middle Name, First Name).
Affiliations:  It is generally mentioned the affiliation that the author had during the conduction of the study; yet it is also acceptable notation of current affiliation. Connect each name to affiliation with superscript and please mention the title and the role of each author before the institution.
e.g. (2) Anesthesiologist, Assoc.Prof, Univ. of  X, City, Country.
Corresponding author: Full name and contact details (address, tel. mail).

  • Keywords: 2-5 keywords (for ease , use MeSH database)
  • Summary/abstract : up to 400 words
  • Drugs should be mentioned with their pharmacological name.
  • Symbols should be written according to the rules of International Standardization Organization.
  • Illustrations should be sent as a separate file in (jpg/gif format) and should be numbered with Arabic numerals or included at the end of the manuscript. The legends of illustrations should be grouped and numbered at the end of the manuscript.
  • Statistical reporting: SAMPL Guidelines


  • References: Vancouver style. .As superscript in the text

(Examples at http://guides.is.uwa.edu.au/c.php?g=324981&p=2177753).

  • Software citation: Force11 Principles


  • Each section (introduction, methods, etc) should begin on a new page.
  • Including Funding, Conflict of interest and Authors’ contribution section before references is mandatory. The role of authors and contributors has recently been clarified by the ICMJE. Acknowledgment is left on the discretion of the authors.

In clinical investigations on man, authors must confirm that appropriate ethical standards were kept, including voluntary, informed consent and acceptance by an ethical committee. Illustrations must not permit identification of patient’s characteristics, except in cases of written acceptance from the patients. (see Publication Ethics)

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