Adrenal masses in pregnancy are extremely rare. Vascular rupture or venous thrombosis are the main complications and they are also related to increased morbidity and mortality.We present a case of a parturient in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy with a sizeable adrenal mass, which was successfully and uneventfully resected. Continue reading
We have noted an ongoing interest for the anaesthetic practices for caesarean section (CS) throughout Europe, which may differ from one country to the other for several reasons. In a very recent EJA article, a national survey in the Czech Republic and Slovakia has shown that national audits may allow and promote focusing on education and interstate cooperation. Impressively, even if the two countries were united in the past, the rate of general anaesthesia (GA) for CS in the Czech Republic was lowered from 34 to 26% for elective and from 59 to 39% for non-elective CS. This was not the case for the neighboring Slovakia, where the rate for GA was already low. Besides, in a 2017 survey from Austria, the rate of routine use for regional anaesthesia for CS reaches almost 100% and in France has a similar trend. Continue reading
The case of a 33y old man is presented, who after a car accident, was transferred to the ED with a right hip dislocation and slightly obtunded but in a stable hemodynamic condition. After an emergent CT scan, a thoracic aortic rupture along with intestine rupture and retroperitoneal hematoma were noted. The patient was administered 1 g tranexamic acid (TXA) and 1 g fibrinogen concentrate (FC) preoperatively and then was transferred to the OR, where primarily, under monitored anesthetic care (MAC) the aortic trauma was restored intraluminally and then, under general anesthesia, he underwent laparotomy and hip dislocation reduction. During operation, no diffuse bleeding was noted, nor was any transfusion of blood or blood product necessary. After a short ICU stay the patient was discharged in good general health state. The aim of this case report is to present a case of traumatic aortic rupture bleeding, effectively managed with prophylactic tranexamic acid (TXA) and fibrinogen concentrate (FC) administration without need of any kind of transfusion. Continue reading

The application of statistical methods in order to extract safer conclusions from samples of medical data has become a key methodology for synthesis and evaluation in any medical research. This study makes a retrospective overview of statistical methods used for oral presentations in the summaries of Greek anesthesia conferences and tries to “capture” the change in the use of statistics in recent years. Nine hundred and twenty five oral presentations from seven Greek anesthesia conferences were included for further analysis.

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The essential contribution of medical emergency teams (M.E.T) is to decrease the frequency of sudden deaths and the pointless transportation of patients in the intensive care units. The aim of the present study is to record the number and the type of emergency in-hospital calls, the clinical follow up and outcome, the departments and the staff of hospital that were covered by M.E.T (medical and/or nursing) that participated in them, the medications that were used, and the number of involved individuals per incident, as well as the type of monitoring and the fluids that were used. This study covered a 5 months period of emergency calls.

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