Induction of anesthesia can be accomplished with intravenous or inhalational anesthetic agents, which have both desired and side effects. The aim of this study was to record, investigate and compare the hemodynamic profile of five different induction anesthetic agents in patients undergoing major vascular surgery. One hundred and fifty patients, who were scheduled for major vascular surgery, were randomly assigned into five groups according to the anesthetic agent that was used for anesthesia induction. The five agents used for anesthesia induction were: propofol [2mg/kg], thiopental [3mg/kg], etomidate [0.3mg/kg], midazolam [0.2mg/kg] and diazepam [0.3mg/kg]. Before induction of anesthesia patients were administered Ringer lactate to replace volume deficit due to preoperative fasting. Besides standard intraoperative monitoring, an arterial catheter and a pulmonary artery catheter were placed in all patients before anesthesia induction.
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