obstetric anaesthesia

Orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) has become a relatively safe procedure over the last decades, with reported 5-year survival rate of over 80%.    Increasing numbers of patients will be transplated at a younger age and they will seek obstetric anaesthesia services, as their fertility is restored after succesful transplantation. In 1978, the first succesful pregnancy was reported. Continue reading
We have noted an ongoing interest for the anaesthetic practices for caesarean section (CS) throughout Europe, which may differ from one country to the other for several reasons. In a very recent EJA article, a national survey in the Czech Republic and Slovakia has shown that national audits may allow and promote focusing on education and interstate cooperation. Impressively, even if the two countries were united in the past, the rate of general anaesthesia (GA) for CS in the Czech Republic was lowered from 34 to 26% for elective and from 59 to 39% for non-elective CS. This was not the case for the neighboring Slovakia, where the rate for GA was already low. Besides, in a 2017 survey from Austria, the rate of routine use for regional anaesthesia for CS reaches almost 100% and in France has a similar trend. Continue reading
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