After the implementation of Common Assessment Framework (CAF) – a useful quality tool – in the ICU of General Hospital of Trikala from 2012 up to 2015, we integrated the first cycle of self assessment and we present our results and conclusions of the past 3-year-period (2012- 2013 -2014). We analyzed CAF, FS- ICU 24, TISS-28 and Burn out syndrome questionnaires and medical indicators as Standardized mortality rate (SMR), Length of Stay (LOS), Standardized Resource Use (SRU), SMR/SRU, Therapeutic intervention scoring system (TISS-28), TISS-28/days of hospitalization, Nurse/Patient ratio, cost indicators and mortality. Analyzing the CAF questionnaire the score was 2.5-3.5, counting the indicator TISS-28 we found an average value higher than 50, concerning the burn-out syndrome questionnaire it was found that 58.82% of the respondent employees working in the ICU had mild symptoms of the syndrome. We analyzed the true Level of ICU (TISS-28/days of hospitalization) with the Level of ICU (nurse /patient ratio) and we found that they were not alike. We found an increase of mortality rate and LOS (length of stay) during the period of 2011 –2015 but a gradual reduction of the SMR/SRU indicator (the whole period ≤ 1) and a decline of the average cost/ patient and the average cost/ day of hospitalization.
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