COVID-19 has brought up the interest about hyperferritinemic syndromes.  Though often seen in COVID-19, especially within the frame of COVID-CSS, hyperferritinemia needs a systematic diagnostic approach, as co-infections or other causes may also increase ferritin. In this article, we present a case report of extreme hyperferrinemia in an male criticall ill patient with COVID-19 and we perform a short synthesis of the available literature. Continue reading
West Nile virus is an RNA virus, member of the Japanese encephalitis serogroup of the genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae. First isolated in 1937, the virus has re-emerged after giving several outbreaks after the 1990 both in Europe and North America. Though severe neurological infection is only 1% of the total cases, mortality can reach 14% after CNS involvement. The present case report describes a case of WNV encephalitis with concomitant acute flaccid paralysis. Continue reading
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