Difficult Airway

VACTERL syndrome presents many challenges related to anesthesia management due to multiple congenital malformations that may include vertebral, cardiac, tracheo-esophageal, renal and extremity anomalies. Continue reading

Difficulties or failure in airway management are common factors leading to death and brain damage as a direct result of anesthesia. Prediction of the difficult airway enables the anesthetists to prepare for this challenging clinical scenario. Although the ability to predict accurately a difficult airway preoperatively would be of great value, it is evident from the literature that no single airway assessment can reliably predict a difficult airway. The purpose of this paper is to define the difficult airway and to review the current literature on methods used for prediction of difficult airway.

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The goal of this observesional study was to evaluate the improvement of the visual view of the la-rynx in neonates, infants and children with difficult airway using the Airtraq® Optical Laryngosco-pe, compared with visual views of the first conventional laryngoscopy with Macintosh blade. We studied clinical and/or laryngoscopic manifestations of difficult airway and advanced airway mana-gement of nine consecutive pediatric patients (2 neonates, 5 infants and 2 children) admitted from 1/1/2011 to 31/08/2012 for elective/emergency surgery or diagnostic procedure under general anes-thesia.

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