
Graft-versus-host obstructive bronchiolitis, in pediatric patients, is a relatively common respiratory complication of chronic graft-versus-host disease, after allogeneic bone marrow transplant. It is irreversible, chronic and potentially life-threatening condition. Continue reading

The study compares the efficacy of postoperative analgesia after the intravenous administration of opioids (nalbuphine, tramadol or morphine) in combination with ketamine in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy.Eighty eight patients scheduled for radical prostatectomy were randomly assigned in three groups. In Group A (n=31) Morphine was administered {bolus dose (BD) 0.05mg/Kg and continuous infusion (CI) at a dose [mg/24h =18-(agex0.15)]}, in Group B (n=28) Nalbuphine (BD 0.2mg/kg and CI at a rate 0.05mg/kg/h) and in Group C (n=29) Tramadol (BD 1.5mg/Kg and CI at a rate 0.15mg/Kg/h).

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